Sarah Tudway-Cains Trained Professional Organizer
Sarah Tudway-Cains
Trained Professional Organizer

I’ve gravitated towards tidying up ever since I was a little girl. I actually enjoyed helping my friends declutter their rooms. Fast-forward to marriage and two kids though, and I was feeling overwhelmed by stuff and chores, and I was completely stressed out!

At my wit’s end, I searched for remedies, wanting to feel more content and more connected. Then I remembered a little A-frame I’d holidayed at -I had felt relaxed, present and happy in that unencumbered space. Epiphany: I could replicate those feelings I was after by adopting the ‘keep it simple’ solution!

Applying those principles to tackle my own home, I soon graduated to helping others. Combining those experiences with the skills I have mastered over years of clerical work and teaching high school, I have become a professional organizer.

Ebb and Spruce was born out of my desire to share the know-how of reducing the outer frenzy to foster peacefulness on the inside, without compromising aesthetics and authenticity.

Proud member of POC (Professional Organizers in Canada) since 2015, and after serving as Secretary for four years, am now Chair of the Vancouver Island Chapter executive!